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  1. 氢,是宇宙中最普遍存在的元素。
    Hydrogen is the most common element found in our universe.

  2. 氧,太阳中大约含1%的氧。
    Around 1% of the sun’s mass is oxygen.

  3. 碳,钻石是碳!
    Diamond is one form of Carbon.

  4. 化学,Chemistry,的意思是“地球”,源于埃及。这点虽然有争议,但被普遍接受。
    Although it is still debated, it is largely recognized that the word 'chemistry' comes from an Egyptian word meaning 'earth'.

  5. 氧气,人类吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳,但并不是说人类呼出的气体中,二氧化碳是含量最多的气体。
    Humans breathe in Oxygen, out carbon dioxide (CO2). Nevertheless, it does not mean that CO2 is the major matter breathing out. So, what is it?.

  6. 化学无时无刻、无处不在地存在于人类的日常生活中。酸碱反应最常见。小孩子可以试试把碱仍在醋瓶子里,看看妈妈是什么反应!?
    Chemical reactions occur all the time, including through everyday activities such as cooking. Try adding some acid such as vinegar to a little base such as baking soda and see what happens.

  7. 调凉菜或者其他饭时,醋放多了该咋办?想想苏打或者碱会不会帮到你。
    When cooking, how can you figure out the situation that put more vinegar? Think about if Soda can help you or not, why?


  1. 研究生物的人叫生物学家。
    People that study biology are known as biologists

  2. 第一个在显微镜下看到活细胞的是荷兰人,叫安东尼,但是他首先是一个商人,其次才是个科学家。他的科学知识主要靠自学,被称为微生物学之父。
    The first person to see a live cell with a microscope was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, in 1674. He was a Dutch Businessman and scientist. A largely self-taught man in science, he is commonly known as "the Father of Microbiology".

  3. 生态学主要研究生态系统,也研究有机体与环境的互相作用。
    Ecology is the study of ecosystems and how organisms interact with their environment.

  4. 别误解了细菌,有些让你生病,但其他的是有益菌。比如帮你消化食物,酸奶中就故意生成了很多细菌-有益细菌。
    While some bacteria can make you sick, others have positive benefits such as helping you digest food or even make yoghurt.

  5. 类似的,还有一个菌,叫真菌,也并不都是有害的。比如蒸馒头常用的安琪,很多人喜欢吃的蘑菇,也是真菌。
    Yeasts and mushrooms are types of fungus.

  6. 感冒不是因为冷,而是因为病菌。但问题是,受凉了后,人的免疫系统下降,一旦有病菌入侵,人的免疫系统往往就被拿下了。而如果在受凉后及时处理,比如冲热水澡、泡温泉等,病菌就被拿下了。所以,冬天,注意多喝热水。
    The common cold is a type of virus.

  7. 细菌是非常非常小的单细胞。
    Bacteria are extremely small and are made up of just one cell.

  8. 请问,你见过单细胞体吗?告诉你,你肯定见过。因为,蛋黄就是个典型的单细胞体。但请注意,是未受精的蛋黄。
    Unfertilized egg yolk is just one cell.

  9. 多莉,是第一个克隆的哺乳动物,活了6.5年,一共生育了3次,共生育了6个宝宝。
    Born on July 5th 1996, Dolly, the sheep was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. She produced three times, and 6 lambs in total.

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