
At Study

 主 页  学习园地  经科技世  阿尔伯塔 









  1. In Text Completion questions, ignore the answer choices and come up with your own word for the blank(s), using the clues and transition words in the passage.

  2. To find the clue, ask these questions: “who or what is the blank describing” and “what else in the passage gives insight into that?”.

  3. Transition words tell you whether the word in the blank should have the same sense as the clue or the opposite sense. Transitions are often marked by obvious words like and, but, so, however, because, despite, since, although, instead, etc.
    过渡词会提示空白处是相同的意思或者是相反的意思。比如,注意以下很明显的过渡词:and, but, so, however, because, despite, since, although, instead, 之类。

  4. When coming up with your own word for the blank, be as literal as possible. It’s okay to use simple words, a descriptive phrase, or language recycled from the clue.

  5. After coming up with your own word for the blank, use POE to eliminate words that aren’t matches for your word. Focus on the words you know. Never eliminate a word that you don’t know.

  6. If the clue is hard to decipher, you can simplify POE by determining if the word to go in the blank should be positive or negative. Then narrow down the answer choices by eliminating those that don’t match.

  7. If the sentence has two or three blanks, do the blanks on at a time. Pick the easiest blank to start with, ask the questions, find the clue, come up with a word, and use POE. Then repeat for the remaining blacks. When done, plug in all answer choices to double-check the meaning of the passage.

  8. Harder questions may have less obvious transitions or more than one transition. Look out for anything that sets up a similarity or difference between two elements of the sentence -- thing, ideas, actions, etc. pay attention to how transitions are related and the overall logic of the passage.

  9. Use Mark and Move if you need a fresh start on a question. Answer a few other questions, and then come back to the marked question.

  10. Keep working on vocabulary every day! Learn prefixes, suffixes, and other word roots. Learn not just the main definition of a new word but the secondary and figurative meanings.

注:本文参考参考《Cracking the GRE with 4 practice Tests, 2020 Edition by The Princeton Review》。仅限于个人学习使用,请勿用于任何商业用途。所列翻译不完全匹配原文意思,仅供参考。