
At Study

 主 页  学习园地  经科技世  阿尔伯塔 


Questions 1~3

The motion of an object is depicted in the following speed-time figure 1.

Figure.1 Question 1 ~ 3

Q1. What is the magnitude of acceleration during interval b, from 2s to 4s?

  1. 0m/s2
  2. 1m/s2
  3. 2.5m/s2
  4. 3.5m/s2
  5. 7m/s2

Q2. Which interval(s) is (are) the object moving at a constant velocity?

  1. Only b
  2. Only d
  3. Only f
  4. Both a and e
  5. Both b and f

Q3. During which interval did the object travel the farthest?

  1. a
  2. b
  3. d
  4. e
  5. f

Questions 4 ~ 5

The motion of an object is depicted on figure 2.

Figure.2 Question 4 ~ 5

Q4. During which interval is the velocity of the object lowest?

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. d
  5. e

Q5. During which interval does the object have the greatest speed?

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. d
  5. e

Q6. Which of the following statement is impossible when an object is accelerating?

  1. The speed may be constant.
  2. The magnitude of the object's velocity may be constant.
  3. The velocity of the object may be constant.
  4. The object may be turning.
  5. The magnitude of the force acting on the object is constant

Questions 7 ~ 9

Q7 ~ Q9 are based on figure 3 and assume g is 10m/s2. AC is ground line.

Figure.3 Question 7 ~ 9

Q7. When B has 20m height, and Vi is 20m/s. How far is AC?

AC is: _________________m long.

Q8. When B has 20m height, and AC is 20m long. How fast of Vi?

The speed if Vi is: _________________m/s.

Q9. When Vi is 20m/s, AC is 20m long. How height is B?

AB is: _________________m height.

注:本文参考参考《SAT Subject Test -- by Robert Jansen, M.A.》。本网站推荐大家使用原版教材。网上信息仅限于个人学习使用,请勿用于任何商业用途。